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Publicising its members’ location,
opening times, events and contact
details through this website and
through a leaflet published each
year and distributed to heritage
sites, museums and Tourist
Information centres |
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Maintaining a register of preserved
vehicles and updating it annually. |
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Developing a grading system for
historic buses and coaches to assist
in advising funding bodies on the
merit of applications for
restoration projects |
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Representing its members interests
to Government departments and
agencies, regulators and funding
bodies such as HLF |
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Maintaining a watch for emerging
regulations which may affect
members’ activities and
co-ordinating responses to public
consultations |
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Advising members on best practice
and sharing examples of policies and
procedures |
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Providing a forum for sharing museum
information and experience between
members and providing help in
sourcing spare parts and specialist
restoration services |
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Providing a quarterly
members’ newsletter
Newslink |
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Organising Spring and Autumn
members’ weekend meetings visiting
collections around the UK with an
open meeting at each of the weekends
to discuss relevant and important
topics. |
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Providing assistance to members in
achieving museum accreditation |
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Organising seminars on subjects such
as risk assessment, health & safety
and funding applications. |